Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Auto Insurance Tips- 5 Car Insurance Tips to Save You Money

Here are some great tips that could save you money on auto insurance.

1. Raise Your Deductible

One way to save money on car insurance is to raise your deductible. A higher deductible will result in a lower premium. Just remember that you will need to pay the deductible in the event of the accident. So don't raise it so high, that you can't afford to pay it if you were ever to get in an accident.

2. Take a Driver's Safety Course

Did you know that taking a course in Driver's Safety could save you money on your policy? Many companies offer discounts to customers who complete an approved driving course. See if your insurance company could offer you a discount for this.

3. Choose your Car Wisely

You may not be in the market for a new car right now, but when you are thinking of a purchasing a new vehicle, choose wisely. Don't just look at the sticker price on the vehicle when shopping. Certain cars are more costly to insure than others, so you could end up paying a lot more in car insurance than you expected if you buy that nice sports car instead of the four door sedan. Cars that are more likely to be stolen or that have parts that cost more to replace will be more expensive to insure. Keep that in mind when you decide to purchase a new car.

4. Drive Less

You may be wondering how driving less will save you money on car insurance. Well, many companies offer discounts to people who meet certain low mileage requirements. Start carpooling to work or school. Not only could it save you money on car insurance, but it will also save you money on gas!

5. Compare Quotes from Multiple Companies

You may already have an auto insurance policy in place or you may be looking for one right now. Whatever your situation, it is always important to stay on top of car insurance rates that different companies are offering. If you already have a policy, compare quotes every six months or so to make sure you are getting the best rates out their for your situation. If you are looking for a policy, be sure to shop around before deciding on a company.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Auto Insurance Discounts - What Are the Most Common Auto Insurance Discounts Offered?

Y: I was wondering what common auto insurance discounts are available to the general public. Is there a list posted somewhere?

Z: You are in luck. We will post a list of common auto insurance discounts below. Keep in mind that these discounts are a general overview and you should contact each company individually to see if they offer them. They will also vary from state to state.

Common auto insurance discounts include:

*Multiple car discounts
*Low annual mileage discounts
*Discounts for using public transportation
*Safe driver discounts
*Good student discounts
*Group discounts offered through employers or clubs
*Discounts for automatic safety restraint systems in cars
*Anti-theft device discounts
*Accident forgiveness program (While not a discount per se, you should see if the company offers it as this could wind up being the biggest discount of them all)

The most effective way to lower your auto insurance premiums is to drive safely. One moving violation can be enough to raise your premiums.

There may be other programs offered by many companies that we are not aware of so don't hesitate to contact the company and ask them what you may qualify for. Saving money on auto insurance coverage isn't difficult, it just takes a little bit of checking around so that you have other quotes to compare.

We hope this answered your question about auto insurance discounts and encourage you to write again if you have further questions.

We also strongly recommend that you obtain quotes from multiple auto insurance providers online. This will ensure that you receive the best coverage for your automobile at the cheapest price.

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Get Cheap Auto Insurance For Your Teen Son

Your son has just obtained his license and with that a new found sense of freedom. Now you ask how to get cheap auto insurance for my son ? Car insurances can vary dramatically in price so read on to learn how to buy car insurance that is affordable for your teen drivers.

Because teens lack driving experience insurers consider them a high risk to insure and thus the premiums assigned are much higher than an adults insurance rates would be. There are a few things you can do to help reduce the rates you pay for your teen drivers.

First you need to stress to them how important it is for them to keep a clean driving record. That means driving safely – no speeding tickets, no traffic violations, and no accidents. Over a period of time there safe driving will be rewarded with lower premiums.

You can also reduce their rates by purchasing insurance with a higher deductible. The higher the deductible is the lower the premium is.

If you are going to be purchasing a vehicle for your teen choose a vehicle that is built well with extra safety features, and do not choose a vehicle that falls into a sports class or higher risk rating class. Be sure to check the class the vehicle falls into.

The graduated licensing laws have come into effect in most states in the USA and some provinces in Canada. The rules will vary from one location to another but the basic underlying philosophy is to restrict new drivers by limiting what their license will allow them to do.

They may be issued a full auto license such as a class 5 but there is usually a letter designation behind it to indicate they are a new driver. These new drivers have nighttime driving restrictions, vehicle occupant restrictions, and a 0 alcohol tolerance restriction to name just a few. They will also be required to take an additional test after a specific period of time to remove them from the new driver programmer.

But you’re still wondering where to get cheap auto insurance for my son? Teenage drivers can dramatically reduce the cost of insurance by purchasing a stand alone policy from an agency that specializes in providing teen insurance. A stand alone policy means they are not added as an additional driver on your insurance but rather carry their own insurance.

These insurance companies reduce their risk for insuring teens by placing certain concessions on the driving habits of them. They may require driving school, no driving after dark, or various other restrictions which allow them to keep the premiums lower for teen drivers.

The statistics for teen drivers aren’t good. A 16 year old driver is 10 times more likely to get into an accident than an adult between the ages of 30 and 59, so you can see why insurance companies are hesitant to provide good rates.

The best thing you can do for your teenager and his or her insurance rates is to teach responsibility and make them accountable. Make them earn your trust for the use of the car, and make them accountable to pay at least a portion of their insurance premiums. They can do this by working a part time job which also breeds maturity, so it’s a win-win all the way.

You and your teenager are thrilled with the new found freedom for both of you. So now you need to do your homework and research teen insurance rates so you can get them on the road. What are you waiting for?

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